
      Tests have long been an integral part of the working life of any teacher. Previously, I had to print them on paper, collect leaves or notebooks from each student, manually check and analyze the results, guess with the answers because of the handwriting…

     Now we have at our disposal online services for every taste, which seriously save time and resources. We get new opportunities: remote collection of responses, automatic evaluation of results.

     So, today we will talk about services for creating and organizing tests.

1.Google Forms 

In the last post I already mentioned this resource. Let's take a closer look

   - is an online service for creating feedback forms, online tests and surveys. Survey forms can be created using ready-made templates or from scratch. The forms have a large number of settings that the user can choose. These can be both forms with multiple answers, and with open answers, where it is necessary to express a position on the issue. Questions may contain images and videos. It is also possible to create complex questions with conditions where users, after answering the question, were taken to a page dedicated to the selected answer.


  • Easy to use — the interface is user-friendly and intuitive. You don't need to download the form, forward it to your customers and receive the completed version from them by mail. 
  • 24/7  — the form is stored in the cloud. If you are working from different devices or your hard drive is damaged, the form will remain available if there is a link.
  • Custom design — you can create your own design for the form. 
  • Clarity — it collects and professionally prepares statistics on answers. 
  • Free use 

2. Socrative

   - is an online service for conducting quizzes, space races in classes at educational institutions. The features of the service are the use of applications for mobile devices and the absence of registration for students.


  • Easy to use
  • Nice appearance
  • It has a mobile version
  • There is no need for registration for students
  • It has an extensive database with tests already prepared and verified by the site administration 


    - is a service for quickly creating tests that will help you remember any material in different ways (by ear, writing, etc.). To do this, we add to Quizlet the words that we want to practice, and pictures to them for better memorization. 


  • Tracking the progress of student activity.
  • The ability to create groups of students 
  • A large amount of ready-made material 
  • Universal  


You can use any service to create tests. The main thing is that it is convenient for you to work in it. 

Good work and success!




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