Web 1.0 ► 2.0 ► 3.0


Hello everyone!
Today I will tell you about the stages of the Internet.

Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 are different stages of the Internet. These are buzzwords, so there are not enough clear definitions. However, Web 1.0 can be associated with the era of static sites. Web 2.0 can be associated with the era of interactive websites. Web 3.0 focuses on web services and semantic markup.


 WEB 1.0

Что такое Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 и Web 4.0?

In the beginning there was what we now call Web 1.0, and then just Web. Then the first websites, portals and online services were developed, and users could only read information, without the possibility of direct interaction. It was a one-way communication network. 

WEB 2.0

Что такое Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 и Web 4.0? 

Then comes Web 2.0. With the emergence and spread of social networks and all applications, such as blogs, forums and podcasts, which have made possible new forms of active communication.

Thanks to the development of these new tools, users began to communicate with each other and share content over the Internet, helping to generate the content itself. From a passive participant, the user becomes a leader in creating and managing online content, creating new processes and dynamics in what we can also call a collaborative network.

WEB 3.0 


The Web 3.0 - is a upcoming web evolution. The semantic web -  a persenolizable place with intelligent search and behavioral advertisements, where content is generated by machines rather than by humans. Where virtual items become more valuable than physical items. 

Here are some distinctive features of web 3.0 :

  • Semantic network: A virtual environment in which information and data are connected and organized in such a way that they can be processed automatically.
  • Artificial intelligence: all new technologies based on artificial intelligence, capable of interacting with users in an almost human way.
  • Three-dimensional network: transformation of the Internet into a three-dimensional environment based on "Second Life"



To use an analogy with movies, Web 1.0 would represent the era of black and white cinema, Web 2.0 would be the era of color/basic 3D, whereas Web 3.0 would be an immersive experience in the metaverse.

And that's all about Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 today. I hope the article was useful and interesting for you.




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